Sunday, August 29, 2010

Is it STILL August?

After a dinosaur documentary marathon and sour patch kid indulgence, I have awakened from a deep sleep with Hurley. Now, as I put clean sheets on the bed, and fold work out clothes with a scowl, showing awareness for the pound or two gained over the weekend, I simply cannot believe that it has only been the first week of school. It seemed to drag on forever! October needs to hurry. That's when it gets good.

All in all, I am enjoying my class and my team is amazing. Looking forward to a great year! Now, if I can simply keep the house neat, lunches cooked and packed, go to bed on time and work out regularly, I will have it together!

Now, off to a shrimp fry for Bubba's birthday. Doesn't get any better than that.

Have a good one!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


It's 11:30 and I've been up since before five. It seems that in the days prior to school, my body has forgotten how to sleep, while Hurley dreams/talks in his sleep-- go figure.

I spend a lot of night time reading lately, and I just finished a very thought-provoking book.

Ever wondered who was right? Should abortion be legal? Is it murder? Where do the rights lie?

Unwind, by Neal Shusterman, brings this idea to life-or unwinding. The book is set in the future, after the second civil war- over reproductive rights. The country has split in two -- pro life, pro choice. In the end of the war, a decision is made that no abortion should take place until the child is of an age of reason. Thirteen. From the ages of 13-18 a child may be unwound without their permission. Their parents sign an order that requires their bodies to be harvested and given to those in need. The story unfolds from many perspectives, mainly three teenagers running away from being unwound, who you instantly adore. The adventure, humor, and suspense made me keep reading, even when I had no business being awake!

This book is well written and unique. I wonder what history books will paint this time as, 100 years from now?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I'm here to tell you what bliss is.

Exhaustion. That's right. When I look at a baby sleeping, I think to myself, "Man, that's the life." I think the reason they look so relaxed though, is because they were tired to begin with.

I had a few friends over last night to watch some good and trashy TV. We stayed up late, and I had to get up early. Today, I sat through a training, ran a few errands (in 100 degree heat, jeep, no top... can we say SWEATY?), then went to the teacher center where I bumped elbows with the rest of tired and last minute mad women who teach... needless to say, I am worn out and not one child has even set foot in my classroom.

To avoid the inevitable burn out, I took a long, hot, bubble bath and sat in my big comfy chair, reading. That's right. No trashy TV, no music. Just a lamp and my book.

I read "The Scarlet Thread" by Francine Rivers. At first I wanted to throw it in the freezer (Joey. Friends. Google it.) I couldn't understand why anyone would want to read something so depressing... so real. Interestingly enough, my day paralleled with the book. It depicts the lives of two women, separated by time, who go through struggles in life, eventually finding their peace in the Lord. They actually become grateful for the horrible things that happen in their lives, because they are able to appreciate God and see the good he has given us.

Food for thought.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Summer, where did you go?

Well, I can't believe it's over. I feel like school just let out, and here I am getting ready to start up again! It was a good break... here are a few things you missed:

1. I was Rahab for VBS. Yeah, I played a prostitute, wore big, fake eye lashes and sang/danced to "Single Ladies" in church.

2. I drove from Houston to Denver in one day. That's right. ONE DAY, people.

3. I read several books... Emily Ever After, Consider Lily, The Help, Sarah's Key, and of course, Stephenie Meyer's new Bree Tanner book. While it was a good read, as I am a twilight fan, the book of the group that I would recommend is The Help. It's set in the 60s in Jackson, Mississippi. It's the story of change during the civil rights movement. I couldn't put it down and loved the author's use of voice when switching from different perspectives. You all need to read it!! The book release I am looking forward to is Mockingjay, the third book in The Hunger Games series. (I feel like I'm on reading rainbow. Just read the books, they're great.)

4. I spent time in Dimmitt with my dad, Lubbock with my Aunt, Roscoe with my cousin, Abilene with my dear friend, drove through Hurricane Alex, and landed in Port O'Connor for the fourth of July where I was stopped by a policeman while riding on a fourwheeler with my brother's girlfriend. Good times. The visits were wonderful, but I was glad to see my home again!

5. I ate too much, including many chicken fried steaks and trips to Bueno. I spent too much, including shoes, clothes, items on the 80% off isle at Hobby Lobby and things for my classroom, a never ending list.

6. I saw a few movies, Eclipse, Inception and Salt. All were great! I particularly loved Inception and have been thinking a lot about it. Anyone want to explain their theory on the ending?? I have thoughts..

7. I've been very crafty. I made new longer necklaces, bangles, magnets, clipboards, and curtains! (Pictures below!)

8. In the coming month I will start school, hopefully lose the X number of pounds I gained on my little jaunts across the state, get a hair cut, and submit a draft of a children's picture book for publishing!

9. Which leads me to number nine. I am taking a writing course to help me be a better writing teacher... and it helps you become a better writer too. Part of the process is attempting to get published. Monday I send off a draft of a picture book to a publisher. I am wanting my friend, Jessalyn to be my illustrator. She's fantastic. She also does photography... if any of you need someone good. :)

(Wish us luck and even say a little prayer!)

10. Summer, I'm sad to say goodbye, see you in a year!